Nothing like going to bed with a full stomach

Ever since I’ve begun to maintain my weight with some discipline, I haven’t had a full stomach near bedtime. With some effort, I only eat during a one hour interval and during that time, I eat the necessary calories and call it a day afterwards. It’s physically taxing, as it makes me feel like shit 23/7 and more than that, it’s exhausting mentally.

As a sacrifice I came to terms with in order to hover around ~150 lbs, I concluded that to deal with my insane laziness, this will be the best solution. Recently, I’ve noticed that near my bedtime, which ranges from midnight till 4am, I don’t have a spec of food in my stomach. Perhaps this is the reason that when I take in any dairy around this time, I immediately have a stomachache. Maybe my body has started to reject milk and dairy products. This is one of the major changes I’ve noticed during my lifestyle change, using intermittent fasting, whose results are incredible but demands the utmost discipline and I’m not sure how many years I can keep this up. I always ask myself a simple question:

How strong is my desire for vanity to fight off the revocation from eating?


When I first started, my willpower was of that of a thousand men, ready to fight off hunger till the end. Now, 999 have died off and it’s just me against an incredibly tough opponent, of which I know it’s an upscale battle as time continues (believe me, literally go into the night having not eaten for 17 hours). I wonder how long my will can persist? There’s no such thing as perseverance here, as there’s only surviving and enduring.

Signing off,

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